Monday, October 31, 2005 

All Hallow's Eve

"well any time, any place, anywhere that I go
all the people seem to stop and stare
they say 'why are you dressed like it's halloween?
you look so absurd, you look so obscene'"
- Ministry
Confession... I used to be a Goth. Not a full on pale make-up wearing Goth (I did the dark lipstick thing), but I did the fashion. I've always had a penchant for dark colors. Jewel tones, I call them. Royal purple, deep burgundy, sapphire blue, emerald green are all beautiful to me. Even my bedroom growing up was painted navy blue, almost a midnight blue. It was very cave like when I closed the door and I always kept the shades down. But my absolute favorite color is black.
From the time I was old enough to pick out my own clothes I gravitated toward black. In the 80's when everyone was doing the neon thing, I purchased black. What few colors I had in my wardrobe then were gifts from family (mostly my mom trying to counteract I'm sure). My friends knew what color to buy me. So when I finally made it to college, black was it. The only colors I wore were my team uniform - a dreaded crimson and gold. (In high school our colors were black and white, so I was cool.) My sophomore year one of my roommates was from Canada and she was punk. That was the clincher. I just crossed completely over. I did some punk for awhile but then I just pretty much went Goth. Lace, leather, suede, - flowing, draping, silhouette creating styles with cross jewelry accents.
Still today my wardrobe is 95% black (the rest breaks down 2% white, 1% grey, 1% other jewel tones, 1% colors - all pajamas). Yes, I even wear black in the summer. My plethora of shoes? 99% black. I think black is powerful, mysterious, and sexy. When I do wear other colors it's just to emphasize the darkness. My friends have started calling me Morpheus.
Even my bedroom is black and cream. When I feel a little giddy I'll put on burgundy or purple bed sheets. My office furniture is black and glass. My kitchen has all black accents. However, my living room is a combination of cream and chocolate. (I just recently got into that for some weird reason.) I wanted a black car when I purchased a new one a year ago, but alas, they didn't have one in stock. So I got... A deep burgundy one. With black interior. My favorite team is the Raiders - the black and silver, babee! (Which is hell-a hard living in Denver!)
Now some people have tried to read all kinds of things into my fetish.
"You must be depressed."
"Why are you trying to hide?"
"Do you want to blend in? Disappear?"
"Are you trying not to be noticed?"
Hmmmm... haven't you heard? Good [guys] wear black.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Anniversary Celebration(s)

"Drunk as hell but no throwin up
Half way home and my pager still blowin up
Today I didn't even have to use my A.K.
I got to say it was a good day"
- Ice Cube

Well the birthday week is (almost) officially over. While it wasn't as I expected it was still a good week. The weekend was extra long - 5 days. I was off for fall break the 20th & 21st and I took the actual day of my birth, the 24th, off. Thursday was a day of rest and relaxation. I had a deep conversation with the man I love which has had major ripple effects since (a later post maybe... maybe), so I didn't start the weekend off in the greatest of moods. Friday I continued the rest and relaxation but added a workout with my personal trainer.

Saturday I went to my "nephew's" junior league football game. It was sooooo boring! He is 13 and the league has a mercy rule. Once a team is up by four or more touchdowns, they have to play defense until the other team scores. Or the game ends. Or the game is called. My nephew's team scored their fourth touchdown at the beginning of the 2nd quarter. So there we sit/stand for two quarters waiting for the other team to score. By the end of the 2nd quarter we had put in our 3rd string defense. And the opposing team still couldn't score. For two quarters they couldn't - even - move - the - ball. The biggest yard gain they made was when our defense was penalized for roughing the passer. But they were quickly moved back to the original line of scrimmage.

By the time the referees called the game (our coaches even had the players not in the game strip out of their pads on the sidelines and put on their conference championship t-shirts by then) we had intercepted three or four passes, sacked the quarterback who knows how many times, and recovered four fumbles, only to have to give the ball back and stay on defense. Needless to say by the time it was called - we were waaaaayyyyy ready to go.

We left the field and went to a friend's parent's house. When we walked in the door her mother said, "Let's get this party started!" and the drinks were flowing. One o'clock in the afternoon we're drinking Jaguar Juice. I switched to margaritas because the Jaguar Juice was not tasty enough for me. Around 6pm we moved to a local bar continuing the party and drinking and adding men to the mix. By 11pm I was on my 50-11th margarita and a friend was threatening to buy me tequila shots. (Luckily he was so drunk he forgot what he went to the bar for and didn't get the shots.)

Sunday was church, of course, which we left a little early to go see a musical. The musical was "Ain't Misbehaving" and starred my sista-friend. Six of us attended to show our support and we applauded and hollered to let her know we were there. (It was a dinner playhouse, not the real theater. Although we've hooted and hollered in those places too for her.) After the matinee show, five of us (including her and another cast member) went to dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant - mmm, tiramisu - and back to the cast member's hotel room for more drinks - wine coolers, it was Sunday after all - prior to their evening performance.

Monday I slept in, did some work around the apartment, worked out with my trainer, then went to my sista-friend's (the one from the play) house for a birthday dinner. We had more pasta and birthday cake. And of course, more margaritas! Viva la tequila! It was just some of the sistahood and the kids until her husband came home around 10pm. I got to see and hold my new "nephew" - two weeks old - for the first time. We laughed, talked and had a great time. And I was in bed by 1 am. Yeah, all in all it was a good [few] day[s].

Friday, October 28, 2005 

Provoked Thoughts

Organized Noise does "Thought Provoking Tuesdays" and his latest entry really hit home with what I am currently going through. So instead of answering his questions in an response on his blog, I decided to devote an entire entry here on mine.

1. What kind of love do you want?
I want a comfortable love. The kind of love where we are each other's best friends, confidantes, lovers, playmates, and biggest support. I want a love that I can trust in; one that would never hurt me intentionally and/or irrepairable. I want a love that is undeniable. He knows in his heart, body and soul I am she and I know that he is him. I want a love delivered and sanctioned by God.

2. What has someone done to/for you that made you realize that they love you?
Stopped what he was doing, got down on his knees and prayed for and with me when I was hurting.

3. What have you done to/for someone that made them realize that you love them?
Prayed without ceasing for him.

4. What is the difference between loving someone, and being "in love" with someone?
When you love someone you want to see them prosper and be well. It can be romantic or platonic. When you are "in love" with someone you are romantically involved (or want to be). You want what is best for them and will sacrifice for them. You support them in every way you can, many times putting their needs and desires ahead of your own.

Monday, October 24, 2005 


Today is the 37th anniversary of the day of my birth. It's been a wonderful, full weekend but more on that later. I just wanted to take a minute to mention a few things that reminded me how blessed I am this day (in no particular order):

1. The first voice I heard today was the man I love wishing me "Happy Birthday"...
2. My mom had one of her co-workers show her how to send me an e-card (bless her heart)...
3. My sista-friend called and left me a "Happy Birthday" message at work even though I took the day off...
4. I was able to take the day off and still get paid...
5. Three people texted me "Happy Birthday"...
6. One of my "children" texted me an "I love you" message just because...
7. My best friend got a job offer after only being unemployed for 2 weeks (God answers prayers y'all!)...
8. Another sista-friend invited me over for dinner tonight complete with a birthday cake...
9. My personal training session was free today...
10. I lost 6 more pounds...
11. More importantly I've lost one clothing size and I got guns now (again)!...
12. All my bills are paid and I still have money in the bank...
13. All my bills are paid, I have money in the bank and I have three outstanding consulting fees pending...
14. I have a consulting job on the side...
15. The man I love sent me a birthday cake bouquet...
16. I got more clothes than I know what to do with...
17. I got more shoes than, well, you can never have too many shoes...
18. My sista-friend had a healthy baby boy 10 days ago...
19. I have "family" in a city that isn't "home" and where I knew no one when I arrived...
20. I get to have a new driver's license (and driver's license picture) now...
21. I didn't follow through with the wedding even though it would've been the safe option...
22. I really do love him regardless...
23. I know Jesus, personally...
24. No one can take #23 away from me...
25. I decided to end my hiatus with the choir...
26. We (the choir) have two CD's coming out in December...
27. I've reunited with my father's side of the family...
28. I have my "little" brother back...
29. I know He will bless me with a family of my own someday...
30. He blesses me to be good at what I do everyday...
31. I'm setting up an additional retirement plan...
32. I have my own business...
33. I'm making plans to buy my first home...
34. I have the car of my dreams (it's a Jeep thang, y'all wouldn't understand)...
35. I have the respect of my family and friends...
36. I am His child...
37. I know I am loved today.

Friday, October 21, 2005 

Shouting from the Mountaintop

I can't sleep tonight. He won't let me. I have a word for you...

You found me almost 3 years ago. You came into my life and your words touched me. Your unheard voice held a timbre, a tone, that reached into my heart and took hold. Because I recognized it. Because you recognized me. You were he I had prayed for and I was she. So many times we spoke to and with each other and it was Him speaking through us. Showing up and showing out in our lives. We reached for each other even when we didn't know why or how. We held each other. We supported one another. We loved even when we didn't have the freedom to do so. We have grown together and separately. But we have come back to one another time and time again.

Now we sit on the precipice of our hearts' desire. And we tremble. We tremble because of the awesomeness of God and His continued blessing. We tremble because we fear messing up. We tremble, rightly so, because we are where angels fear to tread - in the glory of the Lord and the manifestation of His love for us. Us - you and me. He loves us so much, He not only gave the ultimate sacrifice, but He continues to give. He continues to bless. He is giving us, us - you and me. A powerful match made in heaven. Brought together by His doing.

You insist on fulfilling the role of Hosea, when He calls you David - a man after His own heart. A man flawed, struggling, but always turning to Him and rejoicing over His goodness. You insist on trying to stand on your own, fight your demons as you see fit. You insist on trying to move and guide things you cannot control. You refuse to let go. To let Him. He has shown you glimpses of what will be, but you do not wait on the Lord. You move, manipulate and rush things and are frustrated because they will not come when you want. But they will come, my love, on His time.

He made me a prophet and a soldier (thank you, Jesus) and He speaks to me, with me and through me. He made you a king and warrior and He wants to use you to protect His prophet. Will you follow Him? Wherever He might lead? However fast or slow He will take you? Will you trust in Him and not lean on your own understanding? Will you fight the battles He has for you and allow Him to vanquish your demons? Will you allow Him to complete a great work in us? Trust Him my King. Trust Him and find peace, blessing and strength in us. Be still and know He is God. And He has shown you favor through me. Take His favor and magnify His name with me.
He deems you worthy.
He deems you worthy.
He deems you worthy.

And I love you.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah to His name.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 

New Look

It's my birthday weekend (my birthday is Monday and I'm taking a five day weekend)! So I decided to try a new look. I got this from Tre (thanks, my man). I visited his site and he had some words that touched my soul and expressed exactly how I've been feeling.

But anyway, I will be off as of Thursday and I will endeavor to finally tell you a story. It's been so long since I've actually sat down to write, other than business stuff, but now I've had some inspiration and I think it's time to get it out.

Wish me happy birthday and let me know if you like the redesign of The Command.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 

Dreaming in Color, Living in Black and White (T's version)

I have a recurring dream. It doesn't come often, maybe every six months or so but it's always the same. It really isn't even a full dream; more of a dream short. You know those quick 2-3 minute snippets you have just as you're coming out of REM sleep. The ones that don't fade as you reach full consciousness; the ones you can actually remember.

In this dream I am both present and omniscient. In this dream I'm always sleep. I both feel myself and see myself lying in bed on my side asleep. It's morning, the sunlight from outside is illuminating the bedroom. The bedroom is a nice size. Big enough for a queen size bed, dresser, chest, armoire, bedside tables, and a chaise and still there's plenty of room to dance around. There are French doors that lead to a balcony. It even has a fireplace. It could be spring, summer, winter or fall - all I know is the room is comfortable and I am under a down comforter.

As I feel and watch myself wake up I recognize I am happy. I'm not in a rush to get up for work, church or anything. I'm just leisurely waking up. Wherever I have to be this morning, I've got plenty of time to get there. I'm slowly becoming conscious and aware of my surroundings. I feel/see myself start to do that lazy stretch, you know the one, where your body and mind are well rested and ready to get active again. Just as I come out of my stretch I feel him lying behind me.

For a moment I seemed to have forgotten about him; surprised he is there. Then I remember, he's my husband. (But I don't ever see his face.) His right arm wraps around me as he presses against my back. I feel the warmth of his breath on my nape just before the touch of his lips. But before I can get excited about that I get my second surprise. His right hand is resting on my abdomen. My distended abdomen which moves beneath his touch. Then I remember that too; we're having a baby.

He snuggles against me pulling me closer to him. His hand absently moves across me, following the small kicks of his child. It's our morning routine. It's how we wake up. I feel/see myself smiling as I relax back into him and the pillow, content to lie there a little while longer. The omniscient me begins to pull back, leave the dream, as I realize not only am I happy, but I feel loved, cherished and fulfilled.

It feels so real, so right. Until I wake up. Then I realize it was only a dream and I am really alone in my bed (except for my purple teddybear). When I wake up fully the feelings leave and I find myself depressed for days.

Artwork by WAK

Saturday, October 15, 2005 

Jacked It!

Everyone else is doing it . . . why not me? I jacked this one from ORGANIZED NOISE who jacked it from DAZZLE ME who jacked it from XQUIZZYT1. Enjoy...

Movie you watched: The Gospel
Movie you bought: Ray
Song you listened to:
"Missing You" by Case
CD you bought:
Sign O' The Times - Prince
CD you listened to:
My own compilation entitled - "Love Songs I"
Person you've called:
Person that's called you:
My sister - Dionne
TV show you watched:
Cold Case Files on A&E

You have a crush on someone:
Oh, yeah! Most definitely!
You wish you could live somewhere else:
Umm, not really. Unless you count wanting to own my home.
You believe in online dating:
Others find you attractive:
You want more piercings: No.
You like roller coasters :
Oh, yeah! Most definitely!
You write in cursive or print:
Print - and all caps at that.

Long distance relationships:
Not sure.
For some; against others.
Gay/lesbian relationships:
Don't know. Never been in one. For real? Yes - everybody needs love.

Ever cried over a boy:
Ever cried over a girl:
Ever lied to someone:
No. (Okay, so that's a lie.)
Ever been in a fist fight:

Shampoo do you use: Pantene for Women of Color
Shoes do you wear:
All. Size 10. Please send more...
Are you scared of:
Statues. Don't ask.

of times I have been in love? :
Not sure anymore.
I have had my heart broken? :
None yet. First time might be on the horizon, though.
of hearts I have broken? : Don't know; don't hang around long enough.
of times my name has appeared in the paper? :
Can't count that high. All-City, All-State athlete in three sports for four years in high school. Who's yo' Mama now?!
of things in my past that I regret? :
Zero - I learned (or covered up) from all of them.

Pretty :
Cute, not pretty.
Funny :
Hot :
Friendly :
Not particularly.
Amusing :
I amuse myself all the time.
Ugly : Cute, not ugly.
Loveable :
That remains to be seen. But Jesus loves me!
Caring :
Very Sweet: Hahahahahahaha! Not hardly; you obviously haven't met me.
Dorky : Why you asking? Because I wear glassses and read comic books and watch Cartoon Network, A&E and TLC? Huh, what you trying to say?

4 letter word :
Actor/actress :
I can't narrow it down to one - Samuel L. Jackson, LL Cool J, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Ludacris, Terrance Howard, Harold Perrineau, Lawrence Fishburn, Mickey Rourke, Nicolas Cage...
Cartoon :
What's with all the hard questions?! I CAN'T narrow it down - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Family Guy, Ed, Edd & Eddy, Justice League, Batman...
Cereal :
Okay, you really have to stop with the difficult questions! I CAN'T NARROW IT DOWN! Frosted Mini Wheats, Honeynut Cheerios, Rice Chex, Captain Crunch, AppleJacks, Frosted Flakes...
Chewing gum : Extra Winterfresh
Color(s) : Black
Day of the week :
Least fave day :
Wednesday - quickly becoming Thursday, though. That dayum principal's class!
Flower : Black Orchid
Jelly flavor :
Jewelry :
Summer/Winter :

Slept in your bed :
Hahahahahahahaha! Besides me? No one. Now I'm mad.
Saw you cry : him
Made you cry:
Yelled at you : him
Sent you an email:

Said "I love you" and meant it? :
Kept a secret from everyone :
Yes, even from myself and I'm still trying to get me to tell me. "Tell me!" "No!" "Come on! Tell me." "Nope - not gonna."
Cried during a movie :
Planned your week based on the TV :
Uh, no - that's my sister Dionne.
Been backstage :
Been to New York :
No - still waiting on an invite. hint hint
Been to California :
Hawaii :
China :
Canada :
Europe :
Asia :
South America :
Africa :

This or That?...
Apples or bananas? : Pomogranates
Blue or red? : Purple

Walmart or Target? : Walmart
Spring or Fall? : Spring
What are you gonna do after you finish this? :
Probably go to bed and touch myself. Just kidding! (Maybe...)
Was the last meal you ate? :
Collard greens and pork chops.
Are you bored? :
No, but I gotta headache from all those hard questions!
Last noise you heard? : My nails on the keyboard.
Last smell you sniffed? : Salsa

Do you believe in love at first sight? : Love, no. Lust, yeah.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many? : Yes - one set of twins. (That would equal two.)
Most important thing to you in a friendship is : Loyalty.

Other Info ...
Do you speak any other languages? : Yes
Last book you read? :
Something boring for school. Oh wait! Shopgirl! I read Shopgirl!
Thing in your bedroom you like? : My bed.
Your Nickname(s) : "T"- my sister; "Tone" - my brothers; "Tonee C" - my papa; "Hey you" - my other friends; "Miss" - my students; "Babee" - all the old people at church.
Initials :
AMC (Yeah, like the movie theater - you got something smart to say, huh? I didn't think so!)
How old do you look? : Old enough
How old do you act? : Not old enough.
Glasses/Contacts : Glasses
Braces : No
Do you have any pets? : Nope
You get embarrassed : Yes
What makes you happy? : God, licorice, sleep, and him.
What upsets you? : God, not being able to eat licorice, not getting sleep, and him. Oh, and mistreating a child.

Finish the sentence...
I Love to...
I Miss...
I Want to be... Queen of a small, rich, self-sustaining, tropical country.
I'd Never... say never.
I Am Tired of... working with idiots.
I Will Always... work with idiots.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 

Secret Mission Number 4080

So I'm miserable right now. I'm hating my job. I'm hating walking in the place because there is so much taking my focus away from what I love to do - work with the babies. The testosterone/estrogen enraged, over-stimulated, short-sighted, knuckle-headed, parents-are-babies-themselves-so-they-don't-know-how-to-raise-babies, 13 and 14 year old babies. MY babies. In a staff of almost 40, my principal has 7-8 people he puts everything on and works our nerves on a daily basis, while the rest of those MF don't even do the bare minimum to keep anybody's job.

One of the things taking away my focus is I am enrolled this school year in a principal preparation program. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I signed up to become a principal and get my license. I'm thinking I don't wanna be anybody's principal, I wanna go back into the classroom full time next year, but better to have it and not use it, then need it and not have it. (Actually I've been thinking a lot about starting my own charter school rather than deal in the district politics, but it's just a *nagging* thought right now.) But I digress.

I have a big paper - my first project of the program - due tomorrow and tonight will be a late night getting it done. Now because the district is in partnership with the university, we get released half days on Thursdays to attend class. So I go to work, teach my two classes then raise up around noon to sit in class from 1-7 pm every Thursday. Since I have to turn in my paper tomorrow I decided to take a sick day tomorrow, stay up late tonight and finish the paper, sleep in tomorrow before going to class at 1 pm. Enter secret mission #4080.

We have a power issue in our building. The school secretary thinks (and on many occasions demonstrates) that she has all the power. To the point that she does not want teachers to make their own arrangements for substitutes. Now check this... the district spends thousands, possibly a million, dollars a year to run an online/automated substitute finder system for teachers. As teachers we are responsible (according to the district) to make arrangements for our own subs in case of absence. A lot of school secretaries will do it if for you if it's a pre-scheduled absence, but if you wake up at midnight barfing all over your purple teddybear, it's up to you to request a substitute via the system.

Except at my school (let's call it Unhappy Middle School). At UMS the secretary wants to handle all substitute requests. Why? Because there are 4-5 substitutes she only wants to give jobs to. So if someone needs a sub, she calls these 4-5 people and keeps them employed pretty much full-time if they so desire. Now I'm not really unhappy that you have a pool that's exclusively dedicated to the building and our kids. That's quite alright. But what if none of them want to work?

Oh, then we have a problem, Houston. Because instead of using the district substitute finder to access hundreds of other people, gurlfriend just doesn't fill the request. So what does that mean? That means she and the other office staff spend the whole day asking teachers on their planning and/or lunch periods to cover the absent teacher's classes. Did I hear somebody (Dee Dee) say "Crack kills!"

Yep, that's right! Teachers who are already teaching a full load and have other duties are asked to give up their planning or lunch to cover a class for 45 minutes and $19.74 (not even a very good year, okay?!). But there's more, ladies and gentlemen. Most classes are 90-minutes long, however there no teachers who's schedule allow them to cover a full 90-minute block. So one teacher covers the first 45-minutes and a second teacher comes in for the second 45-minutes. But before that happens the kids wait in the hall for 10, 15, 20 minutes until a teacher can be found to cover the class. And then they might be told to go to another classroom (the covering teacher's classroom) only to be moved at the end of that 45-minutes back to the original classroom or the second teacher's classroom. Do you see an interruption to the learning process going on here? And did I mention that sometimes nobody shows up and the kids just sit there, teacher-less, monitoring themselves. (This mostly occurs with the 45-minute electives. One of which I also teach.)

Now the secretary will tell anyone who listens that she "just can't get substitutes in the building!" But most of know that she's not really trying to go beyond her "precious pool." So I'm trying an experiment. I left today, knowing I will not be going in tomorrow, but did not tell anyone. (Okay I let two people in on it because I wanted them to know about the experiment. They will keep the secret.) I left sub plans, but took my keys like I normally would. I came home and just completed the online request for a sub putting it in as a sick day. I was even able to request a former colleague who I know can relate to and handle my kids.

My hypothesis is... a substitute will pick up the job and show up tomorrow to work for me. I will get flack on Friday when I return for being responsible and getting my own coverage, but I will play dumb saying "I didn't know I was going to need a sub until after I got home and didn't feel well. So I just put in the request like I've always done when I'm sick. I assumed it the same all over the district when you're sick, you're supposed to use the subfinder system. My bad." But I will have proved my theory that we're being shafted because someone doesn't want to change her ways.

Now I'm about to go enjoy my cornbread and collard greens, finish my brilliant paper and go to bed. I'll let you know how it all turns out this weekend. Peace!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 

Guest Appearance II

I belong to two (used to be three) online groups and have met many talented writers. And while enjoy most of the writing of my favorites, sometimes I identify with a piece so much I add it to my electronic writer's notebook - the place where I do my own writing. Now that I have this spot, I'm going to use it to spotlight some of the great talent I have come across over the years. Think of it as Tonee C.'s Poetry / Writer Spot.

This artist I'm about to share has been in my life for almost three years now. He amazes me not only with what comes out of his pen but also what comes out of his mouth regularly. He was the first person to inspire me to freestyle poetry because, as you will see, his words are easy to freestyle to. He has the ability to tap into emotions, feelings, desires with a precision that leaves you no choice but to respond. I saved this poem he sent to me; I don't even know if he plans to publish it, but if it winds up somewhere know that it belongs to Chrome*. After intense, labored negotiations I finally obtained his consent to post his original work and I want to introduce him to some and present him to others here. Ladies and gentlemen - Chrome*.

Talk to me...
You better let me know something
open your mouth and let your words
pour down over me.
If it's good to you act on it.
ride on it drip on it.
cum on it.
Speak on it.

While I strum on it with my tongue
speaking in tongues while I'm speaking on you.
Laying my language
in layers between your legs.
If you like what I said,
Talk to me...

I take instruction well so
teach me how to pronounce "pussy"..."please".
Fuck. Suck.
Tease and Thank you...
Spank you for forgetting my name
so let me remind...
(you) again.
say it again... (don't stutter this time)
Talk to me...

tell me how you like it
how you want it
how you love it
how good I fuck it
where it hurts
and I'll kiss it
flip it and stick it
and make it
better than before.
be one now
for a little while
take it doggy style
Talk to me...

say "baby. behind me."
If i act like I forgot myself
then baby, remind me.
act like you know
what my name is
and teach your neighbors
the correct way to say it.
while you replay it
again and again in your screams and creams and later your dreams
and keep sayin' "ooh shit!" till I know what that means.
Talk to me...

Yeah I want it.
Yeah I love it
yeah it's good... and yeah I heard... it's mine
in your whine.
meantime, tell me something I don't know
Talk to me...

confess every secret you ever had
tell me you've been bad

or I will dig it out of you
your every sin spills from your lips
again and again while I rip till it drips
and drips
and say...
Say my name once again
and translate it into cumspeak
and come speak wit' me
come freak wit' me
cum frequently...
it's deep when we listen
to each others deep desires
tongues of fire
goin' untamed
sayin' any thang

just don't say stop...
Talk to me.

Chrome* ~ October 13, 2003

Friday, October 07, 2005 

just because...

(Inspired by him)

Just because I miss you so much...

It's late. I just got back from a movie with my friends. It wasn't a great movie but I am happy it made it to the big screen. As I sat there I wanted you to be sitting beside me so I could lean over and say, "Oh yeah, I'm writing a screenplay because it can't be worse than this," or "Okay, you write the script and I'll direct because it can't be worse than this." I wanted you beside me. Just because I miss you so much.

I thought, maybe, after we finally had our time together the craving would be satisfied. I wouldn't need the fix of you as much. But it backfired; the craving now tries to consume me. My bed has never felt so empty; my life so isolated. There is so much I want to share with you. I find myself looking for you in everything. Just because I miss you so much.

I knew it was only for a weekend. I knew it was to be "no strings attached." Now I realize "Oops, I left something there." You gave me a wonderful memory to pull out and dust off when the nights become lonely. But the pain of loss overshadows the joy of our time together. I can't bear to reminisce yet. Just because I miss you so much.

I want to call you, but I can't. It's late. You're busy. I should be busy. The strings need to be cut. Our worlds, our lives, pull us farther apart. But I keep looking back... hoping you will too. Just because I miss you so much.

Saturday, October 01, 2005 

Mission 5 Report - "187"

I came home from my bi-coastal weekend business trips (missions 2-4) to a world of mess. My students had acted pure-d fools (as grandmomma says) and I had to determine and distribute consequences. (It was almost enough to watch them slink into class Wednesday morning, throwing covert glances at me, waiting for me to blow. Almost...) It's a work in progress as they owe me 4.5 hours and I've only cashed in 45 minutes so far. But that was just the beginning.

I had an email from the security guard at the school I taught at for 4 years prior to my current position. It said he had sad news and wanted me to call him. Immediately I thought "Oh, goodness something's happened to one of the girls!" He has four girls, two of whom I taught in 8th grade. We became very close, both call me "Mom" and asked me to be in their Quinceaneras. The second daughter's Quinceanera ended up being cancelled and she has since had a baby (this past July). So I'm thinking "it's one of the girls or the new baby" when I pick up the phone to call. It was neither. One of my former students, currently a high school senior, had been shot and killed over the weekend.

I've been teaching six years and this is the second student I've lost. The first is actually on trial for murder. He is also 18 years old. If convicted he will most likely face the death penalty - being young, male and hispanic. But this is my first death. And I wonder how many more will I face before I retire in 20+ years. For the rest of the week, I received phone calls from other students in his class. Most of them separated when they went to high school, but they continued to keep in touch. Suddenly all of them wanted to talk to me. So I spent hours on the phone listening to different reactions and grief processes as I tried to understand my own reaction.

The funeral was today. A graveside service held at 11 am. Under the bright, warm (a smidge away from hot) Colorado sun, stood 50-75 teenagers. Football players - his teammates, big and buff for their ages, but wearing black suit jackets that were still two sizes too big. Their girlfriends, hair done up and sprayed like they were going to a dance, standing beside them ackwardly holding them as they all, eventually, broke down and cried. Parents, guardians, adults who knelt beside them when it became too much and they simply sat collapsed on the grass.

For the first half of the service I stood on the south side of the crowd and watched my students from across the casket. I watched aware they didn't realize I was there, and let them console each other as the eulogies were given. Before I approached them I had to make sure I was in control - able to hold them up. As the musical portion of the service began I made my way around to the north side toward my kids. I only made it half-way before one saw me and broke out in a near run. When I let her go, seven others were there waiting. I embraced each of them in turn then we stood under the tree - me in the middle of a tight, impromptu circle. Each one making sure they were at least close enough that, if we weren't touching, we could at least feel each other's body heat.

See the kid that died was my student, but he wasn't one of my children. I taught him (as well as his brother and sister) and we had a good relationship. I went to his baptism (he became saved in 8th grade along with his sister) and we talked about things other than school. But I didn't really take him into my heart. He was like a family friend - close, but not family. The seven who surrounded me today - Lilliana, Lydia, Ivan, Estella, Robert, Bridgette, and Ray - were my children. I love them like my own (at least that's what I imagine not having my own yet). And I kept thinking "Thank you, Jesus - it wasn't one of them" and "Oh God, they're so close - let them get out. Let them make it, Lord."

Today I watched my children release green and white balloons with messages for their friend written on them. Today I watched 18 doves (one for each year he lived) fly away as a symbol of his journey into eternal life. Today I told the one child living on the edge (Ivan) "Don't make me go through this with you." Today I watched one of my students lowered into the grave. And I wondered - how many more times will I have to witness this?

"Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was: there is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well."
-Harry Scott Holland, 1847-1915
Canon of Saint Paul's Cathedral
Mark Anthony David Johnsen
May 22, 1987 - September 25, 2005

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  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
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