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Sunday, January 06, 2008 

Commander Log - Stardate 61480.1

If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints and all the prophets
- Joan Osbourne

Today started a new era in my church's history. The ninth pastor took over his duties and preached both services. (Technically he is still pastor-elect.) Now normally I don't stay for both services and I don't sing in the choir, but today I did both because I was so excited about having him here.

Exactly two years ago, the eighth pastor announced his retirement at the end of 2006. He had been pastor for twenty-eight years. We held a huge retirement celebration for him that culminated in January of 2007. Around October 2006, we began the arduous task of looking for a new pastor. Many people, myself included, complained that the leadership waited too long to start the process as we would be without a pastor for a time. And sure enough, it took us over fourteen months to complete the process and fill the position.

During the fourteen plus months my good friend and assistant to the prior pastor served as the senior clergy in charge (the chairman of the deacon board was the top person in charge), and although she did an excellent job as usual, many people were distressed that we did not have an actual pastor. Personally, I wasn't all that concerned.

Not until recently did I figure out why I wasn't concerned. As great as the pastor emeritus was, he wasn't MY pastor. I didn't feel like I could go to him personally for spiritual counseling, I didn't feel like he addressed my spiritual needs, and I didn't feel like he was particularly interested in me as an individual. Under him the youth and young adult ministries dried up and practically died (actually there was never a young adult ministry). So in reality I had been without a pastor for over nine years, not just one. I came to this realization this past fall during my first semester in seminary. I had to take a class in spiritual formation and it really opened my eyes to what has been missing since I first joined my church.

Now with the new pastor I am excited that things will change. As we went through the interview process he has repeatedly made it clear that his first priority is pastoral care; he wants to know us and become part of our families. He has a passion for youth and young adult ministry, and he is all about spiritual formation (the purposeful continued development of individuals' relationship with and understanding of God). I am excited for this next stage in my church's life; but even more than that I am even more pumped for what God is about to reveal in my life.

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  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
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