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Thursday, November 24, 2005 


It's Thanksgiving evening and I'm back home after spending the afternoon with "family." As usual I went to my God-parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner. Momma and Pappa aren't really my God-parents. They are a couple from church who have adopted me. They treat me like a daughter. They are also a great role model for me when it comes to marriage. I have so much respect for their relationship (and I get to see it in all it's phases) and I hope to one day be blessed with a union like theirs. I believe God gave them to me so they are in the truest sense of the word, my God-parents.
I started the day with a workout (yeah, I'm kinda becoming a fanatic); weights and cardio. I thought about getting in the hot tub but I didn't think I'd really have enough time. I returned from the complex workout room to my apartment and made myself breakfast; bacon, eggs with cheese, and crescent rolls. As I ate I played on the computer building my own 360 page on Yahoo. (Don't ask me why; just because I could. It's not like I need another web page.) I sent a mass text message to all my peeps wishing them a blessed Thanksgiving. Then listened to one bar of "Tipsy" repeatedly as people texted me back. After a couple of hours I began cooking my part of the Thanksgiving dinner (two different types of green beans). I piddled around the house until it was time to take a shower and wash my hair.
Now for two weeks my Momma's been telling me dinner is at 2:30. So my plan was to get dressed and leave the house at 2 pm to head over. My "parents" live exactly 30 minutes away now that they've moved into their new house. 30 minutes and 14 miles. Everything was on schedule; the beans were cooked, I was done with my hair, I was dressed and packing up to get in the car. Or so I thought. My cell phone rings. It's my Momma.
"Where are you?!"
"I'm on my way. You said 2:30."
"Oh, well... hurry up. We're waiting for you."
"Who's all there?"
"Everyone that's planned to be except you."
So I get there around 2:45 (Well, you knew I wasn't really gonna be on time, right?!) and everyone is eating. My momma, pappa, Mom E (momma's mother), Mr. L (Mom E's man friend), cousin Denise, and brother Andre. I put down my beans and grab a plate. We eat and watch the Broncos-Cowboys game. Everyone has seconds and the game goes into overtime.
Denise is the first to leave, followed by Mom E and Mr. L. Andre and I pack up 2-3 to go plates each (Hey, we're single! They made us take all that food.) and follow each other out, me being last. Now I'm home and contemplating meeting my "sister" at a club to start her week long birthday celebration. I probably won't go because I'm fighting to keep my eyes open as is and I don't feel like creating a club outfit for only 2 hours of exposure (that's all I can probably muster).
Tomorrow I'll put up my Christmas tree, do laundry, homework and work as well as take a nap. But tonight is the beginning of the holiday season. I love this time of year because we get almost weekly reminders of how blessed we are as we get together with family, friends, loved ones etal. I know I'm blessed. Remember the real reason for the season as you eat, shop and be merry. Be blessed!

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  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
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